Thursday, May 6, 2010

Muslim Clothing Customs

Many Muslims choose to dress in conservative earth-tone colors such as green, blue, gray, as well as the usual black and white. There are no specific meanings behind the choice of color.

1st Requirement: What parts of the body are to be covered.
2nd Requirement: Looseness;Islam also guides that clothing must be loose enough not to distinguish the shape of the body.
3rd Requirement: Thickness;See-through clothing is not modest, for either men or women. The clothing must be thick enough so that the color of the skin it covers is not visible.

4th Requirement: Overall appearance;The overall appearance of a person should be dignified and modest

5th Requirement: Not imitating others:Muslims should look like Muslims.
6th Requirement: Decent but not flashy:Clothing worn by Muslims should be clean and decent. Not fancy and ragged.

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