The movie is based on a true story. The story set in Iran and is about a woman who is stonned to death by her own family. Soraya's husband Ali wanted to divorce to Soraya who was mother of four children because he wanted marry very young girl. He couldn't afford to having two wives. He made untrue story which Soraya did adultery, and he made the community have a decision to accuse her by stoning. Then, she was stoned to daeth unjustly by her own family. Her aunt Zahra told what had happened for Soraya to the French journalist who just came to town because his car was broken.

The story is eyeopening and heartbreaking for me. Also, it showed that how some women were being treated and what is still happening in the world. In the movie, Soraya said, "Voices of women do not matter here." She couldn't do anything to abusive husband and the community for her and her daughters. She wished her childern would know she was not a shamed mother. As I am a mother, I could not stop crying when I watched the scene, Zahara promised to her she would announce to the world.
They believe that the stoning is the will of God. I was scared of the power of religion and education, and the terrible thing can be jusfied by their belief.